Our team of skilled Salesforce developers and consultants work closely with you to understand your specific needs and objectives. We leverage our deep knowledge and expertise to design, develop, and customize Salesforce to empower your business with enhanced functionality, streamlined workflows, and seamless integrations.

Privacy Policy


Your privacy is most important to Aphidas. This privacy policy explains you what we do with any personal information that you provide to us while using our site. This privacy policy explains how we collect information and disseminate.

A. Personal Information:

At Aphidas, we intend to protect the confidentiality and integrity of any personally identifiable information. We do not collect your personal information without your consent.

You may choose to provide us personal information such as your name, e-mail ID or contact number, for business purposes and for business-related future communication with Aphidas.

B. Purpose of Sharing Information

Aphidas may use your information only for the purpose stated and the purpose may be one or many of the following:

To provide services you have requested,

To respond to court orders or legal process or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims

To share the information to investigate, prevent or act against any illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person or as otherwise required by law

To share the information to protect or enforce Aphidas’s rights, usage terms, intellectual or physical property of Aphidas.

C. Children’s data privacy protection

Aphidas websites are not directed at nor targeted at children. No one who has not reached the age of thirteen may use the websites unless supervised by an adult.

Aphidas is committed to respecting and always protecting your personal data from unauthorized access. We use cookies in our webpages in our effort to individualize your browsing experience.

D. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files placed in your browser and uniquely identify you while storing your preferences. We use cookies to provide dynamic user experience.

E. Types of cookies we use?

Aphidas uses cookies and we neither sell nor buy second party data. All cookies collected data are anonymous data and do not contain any personal information. The first party data collected are cookie-based data, and it can include information gathered from business analysis tools and website analytics platforms.

Customers and site visitors or end users of the website accept the use of cookies in his or her browser

Aphidas cookie anonymous data may be utilized for the purpose of providing or improving services to customer and improve or enhance Aphidas’s services in general.

F. Mailers

Aphidas may, if you so choose, send direct mailers to you at the address given by you based on the consent provided.

G. Anti-Spam policy

Aphidas recognizes the receipt, transmission or distribution of spam emails (i.e. unsolicited bulk emails) as a major concern and has taken reasonable measures to minimize the transmission and effect of spam emails in our computing environment. Aphidas reserves the right to reject and/or report any suspicious spam emails, to the authorities concerned, for necessary action.

H. Links to Non- Aphidas websites

Aphidas recognizes the receipt, transmission or distribution of spam emails (i.e. unsolicited bulk emails) as a major concern and has taken reasonable measures to minimize the transmission and effect of spam emails in our computing environment. Aphidas reserves the right to reject and/or report any suspicious spam emails, to the authorities concerned, for necessary action.

We may also provide social media features on our website that enable you to share Aphidas information with your social networks and to interact with Aphidas on various social media sites. Your use of these features may result in the collection or sharing of information about you, depending on the feature. We encourage you to review the privacy policies and settings on the social media sites with which you interact to make sure you understand the information that could be shared by those sites.

I. Applicablity and Other Information

Aphidas takes seriously the trust you place in us. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, to maintain data accuracy and to ensure the appropriate use of the information, Aphidas utilizes appropriate physical, technical, and administrative procedures to safeguard the information we collect.